Why innovation is such a sustainable driver

Those who want to stand out from the crowd rather than simply following the current or even sinking need unique ideas. This is a principle that we at Sappi have been pursuing for a long time. Consequently, we continually invest in innovations to offer sustainable, recyclable packaging solutions that are good for both you and the environment.
One area of focus is packaging paper with integrated functionality. Our high-barrier papers ensure that the product quality of foods and other goods is preserved. They feature barriers against oxygen, water vapour, fat and oil. As well as this, there are outstanding printing results, a wide array of finishing options and integrated heat sealability.
Comprehensive expertise in functional paper packaging
Our capacity for innovation is also evident in low grammages from 75 g/m² with integrated oil and grease barriers. They reliably prevent any oil from getting into the final product. This keeps products such as rice, cereals, tea and chocolate free of MOSH and MOAH residue. Sappi Guard MS goes one step further by also providing heat sealability, making additional production stages and the use of sealing media unnecessary.
In addition to our focus on new developments, we also continue to collaborate closely with our customers and partners. This leads to innovative, environmentally friendly, high-quality, pioneering solutions that help shape the packaging world of the future.
We are already working on future innovations to respond to the challenges that our children will face. You can also take a look at our short video to learn more. Enjoy!
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